Gorkha Nepal

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Nepal In Brief

Nepal is Located in South Central Asia Its Shape is roughly rectangular about 885km long East to West and about 200km wide North to South and Comprises a total of 147181 sq. km of land area, occupies 0.3 and 0.03% of land area of Asia and the world respectively, Nepal is a landlocked country. It is bound by China to the North and lndia to the East, West and South.Nepal is Situated within latitude 26° 22' N to 30°27‘ N and longitude 80°4E to 88°12' E. Time -15 minutes ahead of Indian Standard time, 5:45 minutes ahead of GMT.The High Mountains of the Himalayan range which included Highest peak of the world called Mt. Everest(8848 meters). Middle Hilly Mountains ranges and low land, the Terrain, which is narrow flat belt of alluvial land the extends along with Southern border with India.

The attitude ranges from a minimum of 70 meters from Sea Level to a maximum of 8848 meters. Whereas the Climate varies with topography the country has great variety of topography which is reflected in the diversity of weather
and Climate simultaneously.

Nepal is rich in natural resources such as forest all seasons rivers, lakes and Bio- diversity. The Capital city Kathmandu is a Small Valley that lies Central hill of Nepal.

Climate of Kathmandu Summer 15 °-30 °C, winter 0°-16°C, rainfall Oct- may 300mm & June-sept 1100 mm. Nepal is a multiethnic, multilingual multi-religious and multi cultural country. In Nepal major religious are Hinduism which account for 90% of the population while 5.3% are Buddhist and 2.7% Islam and others. Official language is Nepal although 123 being spoken in Nepal whereas 125 casts and ethnic group residing in a uniquely harmonized Nepalese society.

The total population is approximately 26.5 million with annual growth rate 13.5 per annum. 

The literacy rate on average of 65.9%. Nepal is a Unique destination for mou ntaineering,trekking, rafting, and jungle safari. It possess eight out often Highest mountains in the world There are ten world heritage and unbeatable combination of natural beauty and cultural riches.